Car Run

Car Run

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Historic White Way Car Run - “All Roads Meet in Frankfort”

The historic White Way Car Run is scheduled for June 14, 2008 and will be held in conjunction with Frankfort’s Summerfest celebration.  Summerfest is an annual event in the community of Frankfort, Kansas and offers ball tournaments, a parade, food stands, entertainment, craft vendors and many activities throughout the day.  The evening includes a barbecue supper and a street dance. 

The White Way Car Run is a reenactment of the Great White Way Car Run of 1914. The first reenactment was held in May 2006 and was a great success, with many vintage automobiles participating.  The decision to hold the event in conjunction with Frankfort Summerfest was due, in part, to have a parade for the White Way participants. 

The car run will begin, as it did in 1914, in the communities of Atchison and Concordia.  Participants, in their vintage autos, will drive Hwy 9 and meet in Frankfort.  The route will proceed through many small towns along the way and autos may join in from any point.

The Frankfort Summerfest parade will begin at 2:00 p.m.  Following the parade, those willing to display their cars are invited to do so on the west side of the park.  A committee, with input from the public, will select a “people’s choice” vehicle for a special award.

If you are interested in participating in the White Way Car Run and would like more information, please contact coordinators Connie Musil at Frankfort Area News, 116 East 2nd Street, Frankfort, KS  66427 (e-mail or Gayla Randel, 2304 23rd Road, Frankfort, KS  66427 (e-mail 

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