Go for a drive and play in our park on May 13, 2006…
Frankfort Special Events for the Day*
(*In case of inclement weather, all events are moved to Grandpa Red’s Backyard Grill in downtown Frankfort)
In addition to this list, YOU ARE INVITED to visit with the shop owners
as many of our downtown businesses will be open to welcome you.
11:00 a.m. Information Booth opens (@ City Park flag pole)
White Way Memorabilia Display, Old School House, City Park (free)
1887 Banker’s Inn B&B Tours(free)
123 N. Kansas Avenue, Downtown
American-made Motorcycles Display (free)
by Henry’s Chop Shop, 107 W. 2nd, Downtown
Music in the Park (free)
Food Booths Open:
*Grilled Hamburgers—City Park
*Popcorn/Pop—Bank Downtown
*Brownies/Ice Cream—City Park
*Bake Sale—City Park
*Little Diner Specials—Downtown
*Elsie Grace’s Cream Pies--Downtown
12:00 Bike Show Entries Begin--Downtown
(Judging at 1:00 and entries on display until 3:00. Sponsored by Henry’s Chop Shop)
Book Signings: (Books for purchase, signing free)
At the City Library, Downtown...(ends at 4 p.m.)
*“My Name is Ester Clara” by Laurel Johnson, (author of several books) Spent time in Frankfort with her grandparents as a child.
At the City Park…
*”Dispatches from Kansas” by Tom Parker (Marshall County Author) is a compilation of his personal views of Kansas
*”A Light in the Shadow”, by Anna Mitchell Zernickow (1983 FHS Graduate) as a tribute to her father, Raymond Mitchell who lived in Frankfort.
12:30 p.m. Bandstand entertainment, City Park
12:30--“Wildcat Singers”, FHS Performance Choir
1:00--MAVIN, Local band debut, FHS Students (Classic to modern rock & roll) (Tentative)
1:30—Cindy Maynard Gymnastics Demonstration
2:00—White Way Celebration (see below)
1:00 Reception—City Park (free)
Cookies and Lemonade for all Car Run participants, under the shelter house in the center of the park(ends at 3 p.m.).
2:00 White Way Celebration, Bandstand, City Park
Guest Speakers:
*Sharon Owen, Lifetime resident of Frankfort and City Mayor
*Alvin Gleason, “Mr. White Way”, Historian
* Lori Parker, Re-enactment Coordinator & Historian
Wildcat Singers, Encore Performance
3:00 50/50 Drawing: Try your chance at winning $ by making a donation to the City Park Improvement Fund. A booth will be by the information booth with the drawing held on May 13th. The winner gets 50% of the donations and the park fund gets the other 50%.
PLEASE PARALLEL PARK on main street downtown Frankfort to re-enact the parking of 1914.
Restrooms can be found at the following locations:
1. East side of swimming pool house (9 a.m.-6 p.m.)
2. City Library (Noon to 4 p.m.)
3. Little Diner (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
4. Amoco (6 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
Information Booth:
Visit the information booth as you enter town as the following information will be available:
1. Parking information,
2. Frankfort Historical Walking Tour maps(free),
3. Special Edition Frankfort Area Newspapers for purchase(reprints of 1914 articles and photographs),
4. Commemorative T-shirts for purchase (a portion of the sales goes into the White Way Planning Fund),
5. Beverages (water and soda) for purchase,
6. Last minute changes to the events for the day, and
7. Lost and Found items.
The information booth is sponsored by the Frankfort High School FCCLA Chapter (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This organization promotes making stronger families and communities through service projects and leadership development.
Become a White Way Booster:
Sign one of the White Way “Guest Books” located at the City Library, Information Booth, Old School House or Hanks Chop Shop and you will be added to our booster list to receive information about future can runs and White Way events. Let us know what you thought of the day by writing in the comment section.
Circle the corresponding May date on your 2007 calendars!!!
Talk has already started about making the Kansas White Way Car Run re-enactment an annual event. Based upon the success of today, future activities will be added and could include an antique car show, antique flea market, quilt show, derby race, white way run contest and expanded park activities.
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